Part 6: The Show at the Crazy Raven
Update 6 - The Show at the Crazy Raven
MUSIC: Delphi

Last we left off, we had talked to everyone body in the town not inside of a building. We'll start at the Crazy Raven and make our way down from there.

MUSIC: The Crazy Raven

Well, this place seems nice. Let's talk to the barkeep and see what's going on here.

"What's this place?"

"It's empty here..."

"How so?"

Oh boy, this should be good.

SFX: Slidewhistle

We may actually be on a side-quest for him at this moment, in fact.

The Crazy Raven is empty as heck right now. Hopefully it will fill up later when the show starts! No one has said what the show is yet, kinda strange.

Next stop around town is the Coffee Shop!

MUSIC: Delphi Violin

Hmm, it looks cozy!

C-cheery atmosphere here!
Well, we can at least look around and see if there's anyone here who wants to join the band. Maybe that girl at the table?

Whoa! That violinist did NOT like us singing. So let's go sing in her face.

Alright, it's time to get her attention!

She just continues to ignore us. But if we keep singing...

VIDEO: The Violinist

There is again, no penalty for not getting it wrong. Other than the complete embarrassment you'll feel of course. After the jam session is over.

Was uh, there something between you two? Because that doesn't seem like just normal annoyance.

SFX: Band Member Get

And with that, she heads off to find Manny. Now's our chance to finally see what's going on with that girl at the table!

"What's the book?"

"What about?"

"Tell me!" Because we can't take a hint!

Good thing we harrassed this poor woman for no reason at all! It's kinda funny because Bard is a really earnest and simple guy, but man he can be a bit creepy.

MUSIC: Delphi Accordion

Our last place to check is the inn. First up, the innkeeper. I doubt she'd want to join a band, but hey maybe she's hiding a tuba behind the desk.

We don't have any money, but I do love Bard running around to every store and just casually mentioning "Oh, I have no money, I'm just window shopping". It's a very true Bard like experience.

That's not true, there's a show happening tonight! That's something!

I really like that exchange. This section feels the most like Night in the Woods, which featured a somewhat rural town in Rust Belt America suffering from economic malaise. The economy and rural America was a major focus for the game. But for Wandersong, this section is just a stopping point along the way. So, it doesn't really go into the why of this town being depressed, since it's not about that.
Anyway, the rest of the inn awaits us.

The second floor has nothing going on, but we do hear an accordion. Let's keep checking!

There we go! Let's check the room that has has music coming out of it! Surely they would be fine with us barging in and singing to them?

Surefire way to get them to join, Bard.

Welp! If at first you don't succeed, keep nagging until they relent!

Wow, they let us in their room! I can't believe nagging worked.


Oh... Bard... why did you say that?

Despite this, we can continue to bug poor Ash, but they just ask us to leave them alone. And I feel bad enough, so let's hurry up and leave.

MUSIC: Mysterious Rainbow Girl

Uh... no? Not really. Seems like they just want to be left alone.

So we're going to go find their dead mother to convince them to play in a band with us? Doesn't that seem selfish as hell?
Well, I guess she'd have to agree to guilt trip her kid... so that makes it a little better. Anyway, the rainbow girl disappears and leaves us alone on the third floor. So let's head downstairs and see where she was buried.

Ah, Lena has something new to say! Maybe we can ask her about Ash's mom.

We are uh... not the best at being subtle.

Alright, we know where to go! Time to go... commune with a dead mom to cheer up her child. This place is a lot more depressing than Langtree, jeez.

Before we head to the graveyard, Viola has met up with Manny! Let's... make sure the two aren't going to kill each other.

It's good to see them get along! This is starting to feel like it could be a great time!

That's uh... kinda a horrible joke there Manny. Granted, Manny doesn't know Ash and we do, so the joke makes more sense. But still, not cool Manny!

Finding them isn't the issue anymore Manny. Now the issue is paranormal activities.

After we leave town towards the caves, we can find the cemetery up the hill.

And uh, one of the graves is glowing... this isn't ominous at all.
So uh, what happens if we play the color note it wants?

VIDEO: The Haunted Jam Session

The resulting Jam Session took us until the evening to finish. The environment has changed around the area and boy does it look pretty as heck!
More importantly, Ash's mom is going to go talk to them. Even more importantly than the band, I think they really need to hear something from her.
Let's head back to Delphi.

Nobody has anything new to say, but the environs is just gorgeous. This game is colorful as heck, and it's proud of it! It really makes the game pop and stand out.
Back in Ash's room...

Well, they're handling it well.

I'd mock Bard for not realizing this, but we did just kinda slip into "Yeah we can talk to ghosts, deal with it" like an hour ago.

I... don't think that's how that works Bard? Though, I guess just translating for her would be kinda weird since it's a dead mom talking to her kid.

As much as I love that scene, the sound for getting a band member playing right after it seems... out of place. While our justification for reuniting Ash with their mom may not have been virtuous, it was the right thing to do in the end. Or, at the least, covers up our attempted manipulation

We now have all of the band together! Time to head on back and meet up with the group.

Aww, Ash will do fine, I'm sure. Viola's got nothing else to say so let's talk to Manny and see what he wants to do!

Oh, well that's fine. I'm sure we're all good enough we don't need to rehearse that much.

Wait, what!? We've gotta perform right now?? We've had literally no time to practice!!

MUSIC: The Crazy Raven

Well cool! We get to perform in front of the entire town that is massively depressed and will likely hate anything we put out, and we haven't even had a rehearsal. What could go wrong??
Before the show starts, maybe we should talk to everyone and try and keep the jitters down.

Awww! The whole group is being all supportive of each other an-

Jeez guys, you've already sold out and we haven't even finished our first gig!

I'm... starting to worry we may have made things worse for Ash

I'm pretty sure you're in it for the fame Manny.

Who else could wake up a ghost mom to talk to her child and sing to a violinist, but us? Bard's a man of two talents, and luckily, that's what the game's built around!

I agree Viola! Let's start this show!

VIDEO: The Performance at the Crazy Raven

See you guys for the afterparty!